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Flora Gallery

The 3.8 ha (9 acres) of forest may be described as mixed/wet eucalypt forest, as it is dominated by Eucalyptus obliqua (Stringybark) and/or Eucalyptus regnans (Mountain Ash). This forest type contains an understorey that commonly includes Pomaderris (Dogwood), Dicksonia antarctica (Tree-ferns), Nothofagus cunninghamii (Myrtle), Acacia dealbata (Silver Wattle), Zieria arborescens, Bedfordia (Blanket bush) and Olearia argophylla (Musk Daisy Bush). (Laffan & McIntosh 2005).

Liverworts - Marchantia species, Tasmania.jpg

Bryophytes - Mosses, Liverworts and Hornworts

Flora Species: (work in progress)

Silver Wattle - Acacia dealbata

Blackwood - Acacia melanoxylon

Rice's Wattle - Acacia riceana (Tasmanian endemic)

Prickly mimosa - Acacia verticillata

Native laurel - Anopterus glandulosus (Tasmanian endemic)

Sassafras - Atherosperma moschatum

Heartberry - Aristotelia peduncularis (Tasmanian endemic)

Blanket leaf - Bedfordia salicina (Tasmanian endemic)

Purple Appleberry - Billardiera longflora (Tasmanian endemic)

Hard Waterfern - Blechnum wattsii

Dolly Bush - Cassinia aculeata 

Australian or Wild Clematis - Clematis aristata

Blue Love Creeper - Comesperma volubile

Mountain Currant Bush - Coprosma nitida

Turquoise Berry - Drymophila cyanocarpa 

Forest Flaxlily - Dianella tasmanica

Man Fern - Dicksonia antarctica

Stringybark, Brown-top, Messmate - Eucalyptus obliqua

Swamp gum - Eucalyptus regnans

Tasmanian Yellow Gum - Eucalyptus johnstonii

Leatherwood - Eucryphia lucida (Tasmanian endemic)

Tasmanian Snowberry - Gaultheria hispida (Tasmanian endemic)

Cutting Grass - Gahnia grandis

Common Fingerfern - Grammitis billardieri

Shiny Filmyfern - Hymenophyllum flabellatum

Pale Rush - Juncus pallidus

Mountain Pinkberry - Leptecophylla parvifolia

Manuka - Leptospermum scoparia

Woolly tea tree - Leptospermum lanigerum

Myrtle - Nothofagus cunninghamii

Musk - Olearia argophylla

Forest Daisybush - Olearia lirata

Sawleaf Daisybush - Olearia stellulata

Tree Everlastingbush - Ozothamnus ferrugineus

Cascade everlasting - Ozothamnus thyrsoideus

Cherry Riceflower - Pimelea drupacea

Slender Riceflower - Pimelea linifolia 

Cheesewood - Pittosporum bicolor

Mother Shieldfern - Polystichum proliferum

Dogwood, Native hazel - Pomaderris apetala

Native Cranberry - Styphelia humifusa

Mountain pepper - Tasmannia lanceolata

Fairy Lantern - Thismia rodwayi (Schedule 5 (Rare) of the Tasmanian Threatened Species Protection Act 1995. 

Stinkwood - Zieria arborescens

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